where download MailForge ‼️ El Captan

Macsimize Software, LLC MailForge 18330 KB Internet Email

► MailForge vers

Note: MailForge is no longer being actively developed. MailForge was built from the ground up for OS X and designed to be a power user's email client, providing users with a host of features not commonly found in other email programs, such as the ability to edit every facet of received emails, scheduled sending of email, tabbed or multi-window interface, HTML vs text options, menu navigation of mailboxes, etc. Harnessing the power of SQLite, MailForge also offers significant performance advantages, ranging from the ability to have a virtually unlimited number of emails in a single mailbox, to search capabilities that offer near instantaneous results. Even routine tasks, such as moving tens of thousands of emails from one mailbox to another, takes only seconds. While MailForge already has a wide range of features, in the coming weeks and months we will be working hard to continue adding a large number of significant features and abilities to the program. For those interested in future development of MailForge, more information can be found at http://www.infinitydatasystems.com/mailforge/roadmap/. MailForge is available for $19.95 per user, with discounted rates for volume customers.

New El Captan


{14847 kb}

iMac Pro


{17780 kb}

New! version


{18696 kb}

for OS X


{16863 kb}

New! version


{19613 kb}

Version iMac Pro


{18146 kb}

Macsimize Software, LLC

Official site:


for 10.14.2


(66908 kb) 6.8

Best to 10.11


(605880 kb) 4.2


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